FoCVS: CLV for Google Cloud
Future-Customer-Value-Segments (FoCVS) is a configurable and privacy-safe solution for calculating CLV and segmenting customers. It runs on Google Cloud Dataflow and can be deployed to any Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project. It helps companies identify their most valuable customers and "focus" their marketing activities on them.
Future-Customer-Value-Segments (FoCVS) is a configurable and privacy-safe solution for calculating and predicting customer lifetime value (pCLV) and segmenting customers by total value. It helps advertisers and partners alike identify their most valuable customers and "focus" their marketing activities on them.
It runs on Google Cloud Dataflow and can be deployed to any Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project. You can also run it on-prem / off of Google Cloud.
There are two different versions of the pipeline:
CSV: read input data from, and store output as, CSV files in Google Cloud Storage (GCS) / on-prem.
BigQuery (BQ): read input data from, and store output in, Google Cloud BigQuery tables.
Focus on privacy; input data does not need to be shared with Google or any other company.
Focus on flexibility; users can run the pipeline as many times as they want, using different input data or different parameters.