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Theta CLV Analysis

$5,000 $6,000

$1,000 discount available exclusively to Converted “Ambitious Visionary” subscribers. (Click for details)

Interested in doing a small-scale, cost-effective pilot CLV analysis? Theta specializes in creating best-in-class advanced predictive models for CLV, with insights to enhance customer acquisition, retention, and development.

Theta specializes in creating best-in-class advanced predictive models for Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), offering strategic and tactical insights to enhance customer acquisition, retention, and development. Interested in doing a small-scale, cost-effective pilot CLV analysis? In the pilot project, Theta will analyze a single customer cohort (customers acquired in a specific time frame) and share back detailed outputs to enhance your understanding of customer value and establish a foundation for improved customer acquisition, retention, and development for the analyzed customer cohort. The outputs will include customer-level data (CLV, RLV, potential RLV, etc.), as well as cohort-level insights (CLV distribution, accumulation, etc.).

Product information

What does it include?

Theta will analyze one customer cohort (customers acquired in a specific time frame) with up to 50,000 customers and with a transaction history of at least two years. You will need to securely submit a complete transaction log for this cohort in a predefined format.

After completing the analysis, we will provide you with detailed outputs to enhance your understanding of customer value and establish a foundation for improved customer acquisition, retention, and development for the analyzed customer cohort.

The outputs will include:

  • Customer-level data with Customer ID, CLV, RLV (Residual Lifetime Value), HV (Historical Value), pRLV (potential RLV), and the probability of purchasing in the next 12 Months.

  • Cohort-level insights, including customer value distribution, customer value accumulation chart, repeat vs. first revenue, transaction frequency distribution, etc., helping you better understand your customer value and its structure.

Your individual CLV results will be delivered in an Excel file. The average turnaround time is just a few days once we confirm the data conforms to our requirements.

How much data is required?

  • A minimum of 2 years of transaction data is necessary for a chosen cohort.

  • A minimum of 10,000 and maximum of 50,000 customers in the chosen cohort. You can randomly sample a larger cohort.

  • Your company should be able to provide a detailed transaction log for the chosen cohort that includes anonymized Customer IDs, dates of transactions, and transaction amounts, tracing back to each customer's initial purchase. No personally-identifiable data (PII) should be shared.